People person plays part in assisting others

Assisting people to engage services for maintaining their independence in the home, Tracey is the conduit between clients and My Aged Care Regional Assessment Service (RAS) assessors.

“I take referrals from My Aged Care and transfer them to Aspire4Life, ready for our assessors to go out and see them,” Tracey said.

“Our assessors go out to confirm what services a client requires, and our goal is meeting their needs to assist them to remain independent.”

No stranger to assisting people, Tracey’s mother raised her while working in aged care, and complimenting various roles in customer service, Tracey herself worked in the sector. Loving the “colourful characters and amazing stories” aged care offered, Tracey made her way to Aspire4life in a caller role for a year before becoming a liaison around three years ago. Assisting clients from Sydney in the south to Wide Bay in the north, there’s never enough hours in a day, but Tracey embraces the challenge of juggling appointment availability and times to ensure clients’ needs are best met.

“Common interactions with clients are follow ups on their assessments, and lot of calls I assist with are problem solving calls,” Tracey said.

“Sometimes we need to shuffle appointments and sometimes, clients can be confused about the process, so it’s about listening and providing them with an understanding.”

Tracey’s long-term goal is to expand into a virtual assessor role, where she can assist clients via phone, or in person.

“The benefits of being a virtual assessor is I get to work in the office with my colleagues, assisting the team as well as the clients, and I’d also get out to see the clients face-to-face,” Tracey said.

But as a people person, Tracey is content in her role and although it’s a challenging one, she loves playing her part as a key cog in assisting people to maintain their independence. Working through a range of situations and scenarios, Tracey said she was always buoyed to see positive outcomes.

“The most rewarding part of my role is assisting people who need to access support,” she said.

“It could be in home care, transport, personal care or assisting them to get their gardening done.

“Getting people who really need assistance is very rewarding, and that’s what we’re here for, to make it as easy as possible for our clients.”
For more on Aspire4Life and the opportunities we provide, visit our careers page here.