Aspire4Life wins top spots in Future of Ageing 2021 awards

Presented by Inside Ageing, the Awards aim to recognise leadership and innovation across Australia’s aged care industry – bringing together aged care providers, industry suppliers and other organisations driving change to improve the lives
of ageing Australians.
Our organisation won the coveted Consumer Experience award, as well as the inaugural Emerging Leader award for staff member Alison Vella.
Find more information on each of the awards below, and how we’ve been working on our mission to empower individuals and support communities.
The Consumer Experience Award
This recognised our bespoke Neptune CSM (Customer Management System) that aims to make Aged Care Assessments much easier for Australians.
Customers and loved ones have been giving us consistent feedback on the considerable stress and fear they experience about their upcoming Aged Care Assessments; as a result, we looked to Neptune for ways to improve contact, better inform customers about
the impending assessment process and improve the overall customer experience.
The enhanced functionality now has capability to send links to online videos via SMS to clients enabling clients to receive videos specific to their situation, helping guide them through the assessment process by outlining what is involved.
This innovative use of Neptune’s functionality has significantly reduced anxiety for people as they know exactly what is going to happen, and how they can best prepare.
The Emerging Leader Award
Having joined Aspire4Life in 2017 as an Aged Care Regional Assessment Service Assessor, Alison’s passion and drive led her to quickly progress to a Reablement Mentor and on to the Aspire4Life Practice Lead, specialising in leading the organisation
in Restorative Care and Reablement practice.
Thus far, Alison has pioneered organisational change leadership, moving from traditional assessment approaches to reablement-focused frameworks.
Team results evidence her capability to lead change, with an impressive 50% of clients achieving their goals, and another 30% partway through. With life-changing client results, Alison has shown her skill in evaluating each assessor to develop an individual
training plan tailored to the person’s learning style.
Alison has also established Aspire4Life’s Practice Centre, embracing the 3 key areas for wellness; mind, body, and social connectedness. She holds the vision and purpose to provide every client the opportunity for building capacity, enabling accomplishment
and ownership through their journey to independence.
Her dedication, passion and leadership is acknowledged across the industry, and we look forward to seeing her build on this success.
With thanks to all involved
With thanks to all who were involved in the Future of Ageing Awards; we are proud to be a leader in the sector and assist in shaping the future of aged care.